Room Alert 12ER

Room Alert 12ER is one of AVTECH’s advanced hardware solutions for “IT & Facilities Environment Monitoring, Alerting & More” with a midrange capacity and at a midrange price. It is designed specifically to assist with monitoring computer room temperature, humidity, power, room entry and much more in multiple locations simultaneously. Room Alert 12ER offers users the ability to monitor a wide range of sensors both indoors and out. Room Alert 12ER allows alert notifications via email, email-to-SMS, SNMP and more to devices like computers, mobile phones and mobile devices. Room Alert 12ER offers an easy to use web browser interface for settings changes and viewing real-time sensor status from anywhere. Room Alert 12ER can be rack mounted or placed on a flat surface.



  • The Room Alert 12ER package allows real-time temperature and environment monitoring, logging, one click data export, advanced alerting, Fahrenheit/Celsius, high/low watermarks, temperature values in alerts, custom alert text and more.
  • Easy Ethernet ‘Plug and Play’ setup for remote temperature and environment monitoring from anywhere.
  • Includes built-in Digital Temperature Sensor.
  • Includes PoE compatability.
  • Includes 1 external Digital Temperature and 1 external Power Sensor.
  • Includes 3 Digital Sensor Ports for use with AVTECH’s sensors for Digital Temperature, Digital Outdoor Temperature, Digital Fluid Temperature or Digital Temperature & Humidity.
  • Includes 4 channels for switch sensors or dry contacts.
  • Includes additional ports to add 1 relay, 1 Light Tower & Relay Adapter (LTA), and 1 low voltage analog sensor.
  • Includes PUSH Technology and SNMP Trap & Query compatibilty.
  • Advanced alerting by email, email-to-SMS, SNMP, web page update & much more.
  • Use the built-in web server, bundled Device ManageR software, or any SNMP application to monitor.
  • Use Room Alert 12ER with or without a host system. That’s right…No PC Required!


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