CCTV in Crime Prevention – How It Works – AA2000
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CCTV in Crime Prevention – How It Works

CCTV in Crime Prevention – How It Works

A CCTV system is not a wall that can limit access to specific areas,a container that can refrain a person from stealing what is inside,or a bodyguard that can protect a person from assault or robbery.But it doesn’t mean that it has nothing to do with crime prevention.Although CCTVs have many functions including video surveillance,its primary use in preventing crimes is to trigger a perceptual mechanism in a potential offender.

In areas protected by CCTV surveillance,the people walking,working,or operating take more measures to protect their properties and belongings,thus it psychologically influences the potential victims to be vigilant,hence the prevention of crime.

Potential criminals may also experience the psychological effect of not committing a crime in places which appear to be secured. It seeks to change the offender’s perception so that he will believe that if he commits a crime,he will be caught.The potential criminal then understands that his actions when caught by the CCTV camera will serve as an evidence that will lead him to court.Specifically,CCTV aims to demotivate rational offenders and make them perceive high risks of capture. For this process to succeed,two elements must exist:

Potential criminals may also experience the psychological effect of not committing a crime in places which appear to be secured. It seeks to change the offender’s perception so that he will believe that if he commits a crime,he will be caught.The potential criminal then understands that his actions when caught by the CCTV camera will serve as an evidence that will lead him to court.Specifically,CCTV aims to demotivate rational offenders and make them perceive high risks of capture. For this process to succeed,two elements must exist:

1.The cameras must be easily recognized.
2.The cameras must be convincing enough to show high risk of capture to negate the rewards of the intended offense.Considering the first element, it is required that potential offenders must know that they are being watched in order for the crime prevention mechanism to take effect.

To know more about protecting your home and business using CCTV, contact AA2000 Security and Technology Solutions Inc.,awardee of the“Most Outstanding CCTV Provider National Award”by Philippine Quality Awards for Business Excellence and“Most Outstanding CCTV Provider”by Philippine Marketing Excellence Award.

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