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Fire extinguisher

A portable device designed to control and extinguish small fires. It is an ​essential tool for fire safety and can be found in various settings, including ​homes, offices, schools, and vehicles.

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FM-200 Suppression System

A highly effective fire protection system designed to suppress and extinguish ​fires in critical environments. It utilizes FM-200, a clean gaseous agent that is ​safe for human exposure and does not leave any residue after discharge.

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Upright Sprinkler

A fire protection device designed to suppress and control fires in commercial ​and residential buildings. It is specifically designed to be installed in an upright ​position on a water piping system.

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Signal Gate Valve

Can be used to control air, water, steam, all kinds of corrosive medium, mud, ​oil, liquid metal and radioactive medium such as various types of fluid flow.

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Pressure Reducing Valve

A valve in the body of the opening of the opening and closing of ​regulating the flow of medium, the medium pressure is reduced, at ​the same time with the aid of the role of the valve after pressure ​adjust the opening of open-close part, keep the valve after pressure ​within a certain range, under the condition of the inlet pressure ​changing, keep the outlet pressure within the scope of the set, ​protection appliances for production from then on.

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Kitchen Suppression ​System

Also known as a restaurant fire suppression system, is a ​specialized fire protection system designed specifically for ​commercial kitchens and cooking areas. It is a critical ​component of fire safety in restaurants, cafeterias, and ​other food preparation facilities.

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Fire pump

A critical component of a fire protection system that is responsible for ​providing the necessary water flow and pressure to suppress fires. It is ​typically installed in buildings, industrial facilities, and other locations ​where a reliable water supply is required for firefighting purposes.

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Jockey pump

A small, high-pressure pump that is an integral part of a fire protection ​system, particularly in systems that use a fire pump. Its primary role is to ​maintain a constant pressure in the fire protection system, ensuring that ​the required water pressure is maintained at all times.

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Preaction alarm valve group

The automatic fire detection and alarm technology and automatic sprinkler ​system, closed sprinkler installation in the system.In the system when a fire ​breaks out at the end of the pipe is usually filled with low pressure air or ​nitrogen for testing, so the system has the characteristics of dry type system.

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Outdoor fire hydrants

Designed to withstand various weather conditions and provide a readily ​available water supply for firefighting operations. They consist of a vertical pipe ​with a valve mechanism and one or more outlets where hoses can be ​connected. Firefighters can open the valve and attach hoses to access the ​water supply, which is usually provided by an underground water distribution ​network.